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內容包括: 銷售咖啡生豆, 新鮮烘焙咖啡豆, 咖啡用品, 交流, 分享烘焙, 研磨, 沖泡心得, 咖啡迷天地, 討論區, 磨豆機, 法式壺, 拉花壺, 摩卡壺, 手沖壺, 精選咖啡, 薩爾瓦多溫泉, 巴西喜拉多, 尼加拉瓜, 尚比亞, 哥斯大黎加, 哥斯大黎加塔拉珠高山豆, 烏干達布基蘇, 祕魯查嬋攸瑪, 墨西哥 High Grown, 巴西聖多斯, 坦尚尼亞吉利馬札羅, 哥倫比亞翡翠山, 肯亞 AA FAQ, 衣索比亞耶加雪夫, 葉門 摩卡瑪妲莉, great coffee, 曼特寧Grade-1, 阿拉比卡, 波多黎各尤選AA, 巴拿馬 SHB EP 博啟地, 哥倫比亞波帕揚, 瓜地馬拉安提瓜 ' Uni Trade', 肯亞奇洛 AA+, 夏威夷可那特優級, 衣索比亞哈拉摩卡, 哥斯大黎加塔拉珠, 58mm 填壓器, G2 磨豆機, tiamo 過濾布, Tiamo TCA-5 虹吸壺, Tiamo 電動奶泡器, 手沖壺, good coffee in hong kong, 木調棒, Pyrex 法式壼, ,日本進口 HARIO 法蘭絨濾網沖泡壺, 法蘭絨布, G1手磨豆機, 日本雪印奶油球50入, 日本Kalita進口濾紙, 盎司杯, GK 濾紙, 咖啡彎匙, Tiamo 登山爐, Tiamo 雙層奶泡壺, Tiamo 方形爐架, , Tiamo 長嘴拉花壺, Tiamo 玻璃奶泡壺, Tiamo 濾掛, Tiamo 摩卡壺, 毛刷, BIALETTI摩卡壺, 精選豆, 綜合豆, 拼配豆, espresso, crema, 填壓, 拼配比例, 烘焙入門, 萃取, 產地, mini 500, 爆谷機, 爆谷機烘焙咖啡豆, 半熱風機, 朱古力, 自家烘焙, 進口豆, 禮物, 成份, 好處, 杯, 品嚐, 即訂即烘焙, expobar office leva 2, expobar brewtus II, cupping, rancilio siliva, espresso 機, princess 咖啡機, rancilio epoca s1, rancilio epoca e1, rancilio silvia, rancilio rocky, rancilio rocky s, rancilio md40, schaerer soledo, schaerer senia, solis 166, solis 167, mazzer mini, mazzer super jolly, ,la cimbali m29 selectron, delonghi magnifica eam 3000, delonghi magnifica eam 3300, delonghi m/agnifica eam 3400, delonghi magnifica eam 3500, delonghi magnifica eam6600, krups xp4020, nuova simonelli oscar, feima 600n grinder, eureka 磨豆機, eureka lusso 磨豆機, compak 磨豆機, compak k3 磨豆機,compak k6 磨豆機, compak k8 磨豆機, compak k10 wbc 磨豆機, 小飛馬磨豆機, 咖啡簡介, 咖啡分享區, 咖啡討論區, 咖啡購物區, 關於我們, 聯絡我們, 辦公室咖啡服務, 商務咖啡服務, 咖啡室設立安排裝配服務, 家用安排裝配服務, 咖啡到會服務服務, 專業咖啡課程, 專業咖啡推廣服務, 咖啡機, 全自動咖啡機, 咖啡機推薦, krups咖啡機, expobar咖啡機, 蒸餾咖啡機, 義式咖啡機, espresso咖啡機, 磨咖啡豆機,買咖啡豆, 磨咖啡豆, 咖啡豆批發, synesso cyncra, synesso hydra.....

include: raw beans, fresh roasted coffee beans, coffee accessory, how roasting, beans grinder, brewing, buying, espresso, El Salvador Santa Teresa Pakamark, Brazil Cerrado, Maragogype, Zambia Lupili, Costa Rica Tres Nubes, Costa Rica SHB, Uganda Bugishu, Peru Chanchamayo, hong kong good coffee, Mexico High Grown, Brazil Santos, Tanzania AA kilimanjaro, Colombia Emerald M, Kenya AA FAQ, Ethiopia Yirgachefee, Yemen Mocca Mattari, Mandheling Grade-1, Arabica, Puerto Rico Yauco Selecto AA, Kopi Luwak, Panama SHB EP Boquete, Colombia Popayan Supremo, Guatemala Antigua ' Uni Trade', Kenya AA+ Keekorka, Hawaii Kona Extra,Fancy, Ethiopia Mocca Harra, Costa Rica"La Capilla"Tarrazu, 58mm tamper, G2 grinder , french press, tiamo filter, Tiamo TCA-5 Syphon, blended, selective, espresso, crema, princess coffee machine, good coffee, roasting when order, coffee course, barista training, barista training course, expobar office leva 2, expobar brewtus II,exopobar office pulsar, expobar office leva 1, expobar brewtus III, expobar brewtus 3, eureka grinder, eureka lusso grinder, eureka mdf grinder, eureka mignon grinder, eureka mondial grinder, compak grinder, compak k3 grinder, compak k6 grinder, compak k8 grinder, compak k10 wbc grinder, coffee machine, krups coffee machine, best coffee machine, fresh coffee bean, coffee bean price, coffee bean supplier, synesso cyncra, synesso hydra...

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