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Sharing my way of Moka Pot Brewing

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註冊時間: 2008-04-25
文章: 76

發表發表於: 星期五 四月 25, 2008 8:35 am    文章主題: Sharing my way of Moka Pot Brewing 引言回覆

Just discover this it is just like an HB/CG site in Chinese haha.

Sorry guys, this will be in English.

1.Fill the water under the pressure release value
2.Pre heat water in the bottom half,
2.Wait untill it is boil,
3.Turn off the fire, and start to grind the bean. (I use a Zass grinder which takes me around 1 mins to grind)
4.Over dose the basket then even it out with a flat object...chopstick....spoon handle,
5.By the time, this all done my pre heated water will be around 170-18x degree F(About somewhere below 90 degree)
6.Assemble everything and use low fire,
7.Usually it takes 2-3 mins to finish,
8.Like brewing espresso, I will take it away form the heat and use water to cool down the bottom half of the moka pot for stopping the brewing entirely. (Stop before bonding which means bubble coming out vigorously instead of liquid)
9. My 3 cup Moka usually gives me one full cup of Bodum themo glass which is about 3oz. Also it should be in drinkable temperature.

1.Grind size (smaller than sand but just barely)
2.Dosing (about 11-13g)
3.Temp (the good shot I had usualy result around 160 degree F)
4.Tamp a little bit [I mean like 1-3mm] will surprise you (but too much variable in moka pot so I just skip it all together
5.use two cup of moka bewing coffee with about 3 spoon of sugar and maybe a cup of two hot water will last me a whole day in a themo cup.[/code]
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註冊時間: 2006-03-01
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發表發表於: 星期五 四月 25, 2008 2:52 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

philip, please.

seize the day
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註冊時間: 2006-10-31
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發表發表於: 星期五 四月 25, 2008 5:35 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

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註冊時間: 2006-10-31
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發表發表於: 星期五 四月 25, 2008 5:37 pm    文章主題: 引言回覆

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註冊時間: 2006-03-11
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發表發表於: 星期五 四月 25, 2008 10:29 pm    文章主題: Re: Sharing my way of Moka Pot Brewing 引言回覆

SoloC 寫到:

8.Like brewing espresso, I will take it away form the heat and use water to cool down the bottom half of the moka pot for stopping the brewing entirely. (Stop before bonding which means bubble coming out vigorously instead of liquid)
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